“Nagumōmu ganalēni nā jāli telisi,
Nanu brōvaga rādā śrī raghuvara nī”
“Knowing that bereft of Your smiling face,
Distraught is my state,
Foremost of the Raghus, won't You
Come to me, to alleviate?”
Swami is the Embodiment of Love; His wish was for us all to become One. Hence, His address to us all was ‘Premaswaroopas – the Embodiment of Love’.
"You are all My forms. When I love you, I love myself. When you love yourselves, you love Me. I have separated Myself from Myself so that I may love Myself."
– Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Once you Reconnect and become Recharged, every moment of life becomes a festival by itself. A festival to Rejoice and enjoy the love and grace bestowed upon us by Swami.
Love is the essence of life. Without love, nothing is fruitful.
We also recommend that you all follow a Sadhana Plan to deepen your spiritual realms where you can progress at your own pace.
When Tyagaraja Swamigal sang this keerthanam, his pangs of separation from the Lord of the Universes overflowed in the form of words and stanzas of the angelic and spiritually drenched poem. Similarly, we too might experience this pain when we are away from Prasanthi Nilayam and Puttaparthi.
But are we really away from Prasanthi Nilayam?
Therefore, whenever we feel demotivated and exhausted by the vagaries of life, there is always one place to look upon - Prasanthi Nilayam.
Recharge yourself with, as Swami calls it, the Universal Dynamo. Be in Prasanthi Nilayam, and absorb the Prasanthi into you.
Sisters and Brothers, to find the answers to these questions and even more that accumulate in our conscious and subconscious mind, we welcome you all for the Pre-conference Sadhana that comprises of three study circles on the core theme of the program:
‘Reconnect, Recharge, Rejoice’
What is Prasanthi? Where is this Nilayam?
What do we need to do to find the exact location of ‘Prasanthi’?
Are we the ‘Students of SAI’?
Are we lost in this world of Delusion?
If yes, how can we transcend it and be elated with our Dearest Lord, the form of Sat-chit-ananda, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba?
Do we need to Reconnect with Puttaparthi, Prasanthi Nilayam, and Swami? If yes, how can we do that?
17 February 2024
12 April
1 June
This will transpire further into the zone, region, and centre level study circles to further delve into the aspects of the theme.
Therefore, whenever we feel demotivated and exhausted by the vagaries of life, there is always one place to look upon - Prasanthi Nilayam.
Recharge yourself with, as Swami calls it, the Universal Dynamo. Be in Prasanthi Nilayam, and absorb the Prasanthi into you.
Therefore, whenever we feel demotivated and exhausted by the vagaries of life, there is always one place to look upon - Prasanthi Nilayam.
Recharge yourself with, as Swami calls it, the Universal Dynamo. Be in Prasanthi Nilayam, and absorb the Prasanthi into you.
During your Sadhana, you should aim to imbibe the teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the knowledge of Advaita (non-dualism); and practice various spiritually elevating activities, from Seva, to Bhakti, to surrendering at the Lotus Feet. power It bestows, and henceforth, Rejoice in the Divine Grace. Finally, when you are power-packed, perform your duty towards the Creation of the Lord and serve them through all possible means.
If yes, how can we transcend it and be elated with our Dearest Lord, the form of Sat-chit-ananda, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba?
Do we need to Reconnect with Puttaparthi, Prasanthi Nilayam, and Swami? If yes, how can we do that?
“जब कोई बात बिगड़ जाए
जब कोई मुश्क़िल पड़ जाए
तुम देना साथ मेरा, ओ साईंमां”
‘Whenever something goes wrong, Whenever there is a problem, Stand by me (at that time), my mother Sai!’
Therefore, whenever we feel demotivated and exhausted by the vagaries of life, there is always one place to look upon - Prasanthi Nilayam.
Recharge yourself with, as Swami calls it, the Universal Dynamo. Be in Prasanthi Nilayam, and absorb the Prasanthi into you.
Catch up on Reconnect with the
This should be a stepwise process that allows for individual flexibility but with the essence of Discipline, Dedication, and Devotion, so that ultimately you can develop the unfathomable powers of your outer and Inner Self in the process.
Sisters and brothers,
Reconnect to the Source,
Recharge with the the power It bestows,
Rejoice in the Divine Grace.
Finally, when you are power-packed, perform your duty towards the Creation of the Lord and serve them through all possible means.